Bandmaster reissue
Bandmaster reissue

bandmaster reissue

T eh BAssman is harder hitting than either of the others.

bandmaster reissue bandmaster reissue

WIth the vintage amps that were the basis for the larger Tweed RI's.BAssman, TWeed TWin and the Bandmaster.things coudl be siple. Not much sympathy there, is there Axis29? I have found that vicarious living through the observations of others when dealing with subjective situations is not very rewarding, anyway.who knows what 'ears' or experience someone else has, right? IN today's world where folks are many times not looking for big, stiff sonics it would seem that a 2 x 6L6 true tweed should fit a lot of players' demands. They have a lot of compression and saturation when pushed. The magic of the tweeds is that they were not 'stiff'.especially the Bandmaster/Pro/Super amps. IN other words, I would want a true clone of the original thing. WIth that said and now knowing that FEnder stiffened the 5E7 up, I suppose that if I wanted another 5E7-having owned two '59's BAndmasters-I would have to build my own using a voltage-corrected power tranny that would deliver B+ in line with the original schematic.and I would use the original filtering capacity as well.with a clone of the original OT. A stiffer soundin 5E7becomes something that the vintage 5E7 wasn't. Those two amps are different, and I like variety. Do I like what the vintagecuit does? Yessir. Do I like what the stiffer soudning 5F6A does? Yessir. The vintage 5E7/5F4/5E5-A circuits are soem of the most musical and responsive tweeds that wer built, to my ear. If one is looking for vintage tones, then ime higher voltages are not what one wants. Ime and imho on this very subjective issue, whether or not any changes from the original circuit is 'sensible' has to rely on the judgement of the player.

Bandmaster reissue